An ‘Oracle’ means a ‘wise advisor’...

True to its etymology, Oracles constitutes accomplished professionals geared towards offering Site Planning, Architecture, Landscape Design and Construction Administration services. Following closely the dictionary definition, as advisors to our clients we are committed to offer work of remarkable calibre, valuing relationships nurtured on sincerity and trust.

Nature inspires us…

Nature, with its myriad patterns and processes, from the immemorial past, has been the supreme inspiration in conceptualising arenas for human life and its activities. Landscape is Life itself! Lives are lived in Landscape. An ode to this reality forms the bedrock of our philosophy. Architecture ought to delight!

We design experiences…

Architecture is a realm of value-creation. We engage ourselves in crafting sensory experiences. Our concepts display a keen sense of innovation and design thinking, addressing the 'art' and 'science' of conceiving places for people. Spatial experiences embody the energy of people and settings; nature and culture.

Context defines our work…

Landscape is anchored in space and time, in physicality and symbolism. Creativity finds meaning when it is rooted in a sound philosophy. Inspired from natural and cultural processes, these manifest as meaningful, significant settings poised within unique contexts. Perception and discernment are fountainheads of our responses and concepts.

Thoughts become spaces…

Patterns derive from unique narratives. We immerse in the realm of phenomena, imbibing, interpreting and abstracting ideas. It is in representing these notions that experiences and places get manifested. Today is a new day. Our best is yet to come. Our past endeavours were a practice in conviction to achieve what awaits its emergence. We invite you to this exciting journey!

This is the world of oracles…

“Every day we refresh ourselves. Every encounter and opportunity are experiences to learn from. Struggling to bring forth creative energy fills us with joy. The satisfaction of amalgamating theory and practice deepens our convictions.”